2012 Kim Gillan's Campaign
To Represent Montana's at-large District in the US House of Represe
This was the official 2012 campaign website for State Senator and Democratic Nominee for Congress Kim Gillan.
Kim Gillan (42.7%) lost the race to represent Montana's at-large District in the US House of Representatives to her Republican opponant Steve Daines (53.3%)
Content is from the site's 2012 archived content.
Lucy Lee comments: I first met Kim while working as an advocate for the organization whose goal is the regulation of Google, Regulate Google Now! I have a personal stake in this fight. The search for my husband's name reveals, on the first page of the search results in Google, personal information that should never be public. Right at the top of the search results, on page 1 is a story about his sister's suicide. Because of this, my family has learned of independent services that will remove these kinds of search results for a fee. In fact, the problem is big enough so that there are huge number of "reputation management" services that will do this for you if you can afford it. No one should have to pay to relieve the suffering caused by these kinds of offenses. The problem is that Google does not offer any way to address this problem even though they are the ones that created it. We need laws in the US that force Google to at least provide a pathway to removal when certain conditions are met, as is true in the EU. Until then, we need people like Kim to support laws to compel compliance with the ethical standards of privacy that we citizens deserve.
"I've had the privilege of knowing Kim Gillan for a considerable time, and her understanding of the nuanced needs of families like mine has always stood out. Her commitment shone brightly when faced with regulatory challenges that threatened our way of life, particularly regarding our access to water for pool construction. Kim didn't hesitate to step in, armed with an argument I had provided, showcasing her willingness to fight for our rights. This issue, seemingly unique to Montana, starkly contrasts my experience in New York, where, as a client of Royal Pools, I've encountered no whispers of such restrictions. This difference highlights Kim's proactive approach in addressing specific local concerns, making her a guardian of our community's interests. Her decisions, rooted in a deep understanding of her constituents' needs, not only demonstrate her leadership qualities but also her potential for national influence. Encouraging Kim to pursue higher office, even the presidency, seems not just a wish but a natural progression for someone of her caliber, looking out for us with such foresight and dedication." Maria Whitly
About Kim
“Montana has only one voice in the United States House of Representatives. That voice must be experienced and effective. It must speak clearly, responsibly, and strongly on behalf of working families across Montana. I’m running for Congress to be that voice.”
- Kim Gillan
Raised by parents who grew up during the depression, Kim Gillan was taught a critical lesson at an early age: Complaining about a problem or pointing fingers never solves anything. To make a difference, you have to work hard, apply yourself, and try to fix what’s wrong. This work ethic has guided Kim throughout her life – as a mother of two children, as a small businesswoman, as a workforce-training specialist, and as an accomplished state legislator.
From her time as a PTA mom to her leadership as the Minority Whip in the Montana State Senate, Kim has always focused on issues that matter to the people she represents.
Known for her tenacity, Kim believes that delivering results is more important than politics and partisanship. She understands what it means to work across party lines and achieve results without comprising principles. That’s why in the race for Montana’s lone seat in the United States House of Representatives, Kim is the only candidate with a proven record of delivering real results that matter for Montana’s working families. Including:
â— Establishing an insurance mandate to guarantee coverage for autism and diabetes treatments.
â— Creating an innovative job training assistance program for Montana’s small business employees.
â— Raising fuel economy standards for state purchased vehicles.
â— Expanding funding for road construction and repair across Montana.
â— Leading the effort to try and close corporate tax loopholes.
â— Passing new teen driver licensing and highway safety requirements.
â— Revising campaign disclosure laws to improve public transparency.
â— Expanding DUI enforcement to require blood alcohol testing in all serious vehicular accidents.
â— Establishing stiff fines to crack down on telemarketer fraud.
â— Strengthening private property rights in eminent domain disputes.
â— Protecting taxpayers by limiting the state’s ability to impose new taxes without legislative approval.
With hard work and a willingness to listen, Kim has won re-election six consecutive times in swing districts. While serving as a citizen legislator, Kim has worked as the lead Workforce Development Coordinator at Montana State University-Billings. Her day-to-day efforts involve working with businesses to train employees to compete for jobs in the today’s changing economy. Throughout her career, she has also worked in new energy development, and has helped Native American organizations improve their economies and create jobs through small business development.
Kim put herself through college by working a variety of jobs, including working in a grocery store as a Teamster. She has a Masters Degree in Regional Planning from Cornell University, and Bachelors Degree in Psychology from the University of California-Los Angeles. She is the mother of two grown children, Henry and Claire.
Legislative Leadership
Minority Whip, Montana State Senate
Minority Leader, Montana House of Representatives
Chair, Revenue and Transportation Interim Committee
Chair, Senate Local Government
Chair, Legislative Council
Vice-Chair, Environmental Quality Council
Vice Chair, Senate Taxation
Vice Chair, House Taxation
Co-Chair, Montana Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
Member, Montana State Workforce Investment Board
Executive Board Member, Pacific Northwest Economic Region
Member, Council of State Governments Executive Board
Member, National Commission on Health Care Workforce
Recognition and Achievements
YWCA – Salute to Women Achievement Award
Montana Adult Education Association – Legislative Achievement
American Academy of Pediatrics – Special Achievement Award
Montana Traffic Education Association – Excellence in Partnership Award
National Association Against Drunk Driving – Legislator of the Year Award
Montana Wildlife Federation Conservation – Legislator of the Year Award
Montana Building Industry Association – Legislative Leadership Award
Easter Seals – Legislative Leadership Recognition
Council of State Governments – Toll Fellow
Community Involvement
Board Member, MSU-Billings Foundation
Board Member, Parents Let’s Unite for Kids
Chair, City of Billings Parks & Recreation Board
Board Member, Regional Easter Seals/Goodwill Board of Directors
Chair, Billings Heights Task Force
"As a small importer/wholesaler of electronic products, I completely support Kim's agenda for a business friendly approach to governing while also being aware of the need to support workers' rights. When we had some difficulty correcting a tax reporting error that was crippling our business, Kim's staff stepped in and enabled us to avoid huge bureaucratic delays that were threatening to cripple our ability to get our 510 thread standard products to market. Our hugely successful effort to market our 510 thread vape pen battery has created hundreds of jobs and brought tax income to the state where none existed previously. Our other vaporizer products have helped many in Montana quit the smoking and escape from the horrible addictions that come from tobacco use. Kim and her staff are looking out for small businesses and our employees in ways that are both responsible and profitable. We are huge fans!" Roger J Smithson
On the Issues
Defending Gun Rights
Kim has a strong record of fighting to defend Montanan’s second amendment rights. In the Montana state legislature, Kim voted repeatedly for gun rights-bills, including the Castle Doctrine – twice – and a Montana Shooting Sports Association bill to allow concealed carry without a permit in Montana cities. Kim will bring that same staunch support of gun rights to Washington and fight against attempts to infringe on Montanan’s 2nd Amendment rights.
Check out Kim’s pro-gun rights voting record.
Creating Jobs by Supporting Small Businesses
A hallmark of Kim’s legislative career has been her support for small business. Whether pushing for small business tax relief so they can create jobs or promoting a worker training program so that businesses can compete, Kim knows that small businesses have always been the engine of economic growth for Montana and for America.
Gillan has run a small business, and in the Montana Legislature her first and last bills were tax cuts to help small businesses create jobs. In Congress, she will find practical solutions to create a climate that small businesses can grow and succeed. This includes cutting unnecessary regulations and red-tape and providing targeted small business tax relief.
Montana undoubtedly has some amazing natural resources. However, Montana’s greatest asset is and will always be its people. Kim believes that maximizing these natural resources and giving Montana workers the right training is how we will fuel the jobs of tomorrow.
Now more than ever, a trained and educated workforce is essential. While we work to gain the jobs we need right now, we also have to educate the workforce of tomorrow. That is why Kim will work to make college more affordable for Montana families.
We also need to make sure that the jobs of Montana’s traditional economy like farming, ranching, timber, and mining survive and that new industries like biotech and clean energy lead Montana in the 21st Century economy.
Our economy won’t be back on track until every Montanan who needs a job can find one that pays a livable wage. And in Congress Kim Gillan will never stop working until we get there.
Strengthening Education to Ensure a Well Trained Workforce
Kim Gillan first took an interest in public service while serving on the Billings PTA. She saw then how “one size fits all” approaches hurt Montana schools. It was this experience that led her to run for public office.
Now she’s regarded as one of the most knowledgeable lawmakers in areas regarding public schools, including such complex issues as the state’s funding formula. After six terms in office, Kim is more convinced than ever that the key to Montana’s long-term economic success is a well-educated, well-trained workforce.
The best way to ensure that our young people can get high paying jobs in the future is to make sure they get a great education. Kim believes that Montana has some of the best schools in the country, and will make it a priority to ensure we build on that strength.
In Congress she’ll work to protect local control of schools and to enhance community involvement. And she’ll stand up to either party when they want to impose a plan that doesn’t work for Montana.
Utilizing Montana Energy to Build a New Economy
Energy has long been instrumental in heating our homes and fueling our automobiles. But now is the time for Montana to harness the tremendous potential of clean energy as a way to create jobs and build a 21st century economy.
While Congress continues to be bogged down in partisan bickering on energy issues, Kim believes we are losing opportunities to create clean energy jobs. With diverse energy resources, including: wind, coal, biofuels, oil and gas, and biomass, Montana can lead the way to reducing our dependence on foreign oil and creating a clean energy economy.But this won’t happen without leadership in Congress.
Kim Gillan is committed to ensuring that home-grown Montana energy solutions bridge the traditional partisan divide and meet everyone’s goals of creating jobs, lowering energy prices for our homes and businesses, and protecting the environment.
Caring for our Veterans and Military Families
STRONG SUPPORT. Montana is privileged to have so many veterans and military families in state who gave service to our country through great personal sacrifice. A strong supporter of Montana veterans and military families, Kim believes that we should take care of veterans and active military as they have taken care of all of us – with an ironclad commitment to deliver their well-deserved benefits and bolster economic opportunity when they are home.
MEDICAL CARE. Caring for our veterans is not a line on a budget – it’s a moral commitment that must be protected and expanded. Kim knows that vouchers are not the best way to care for our veterans, and she will work to expand locations and services of VA primary care facilities in Montana.
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY. No one who defended the flag should have to fight for a job when they get home. Veterans are highly disciplined, educated and have well-developed, translatable skills from their years of service. Kim knows that creating economic opportunity is essential, and she will work hard in Congress to expand job-training opportunities and reward businesses that hire veterans.
A Leader for Women and Children
Kim has been a longstanding champion of a woman's right to choose. As a mother of two children, Kim knows that these are personal and private decisions that should be made between a woman with the advice of her physician. While in the Montana state legislature, Kim strongly opposed conservative efforts to take away funding from planned parenthood, restrict a woman's right to choose, and block access to reproductive healthcare.
Kim is also a strong supporter of the Violence Against Women Act, as well as other programs which provide assistance to victims of domestic violence and child abuse. She has worked to provide Montana’s local law enforcement officials with the resources necessary to address domestic violence and child abuse, and to make sure that abuse victims receive justice. While in the state legislature, Kim supported continued funding for Montana's Child Sex Predator unit.
As both a legislator and leader in the Democratic Party, Kim has led many fights against extreme efforts to that would defund sex education and overturn local ordinances against discrimination. She has always been a strong supporter of equal pay for equal work. In Congress, Kim will support both the Fair Pay act as well as tough enforcement of equal pay laws.
Defending Tribal Sovereignty
Montana's American Indian Tribes play an important role in the future of our state. It is critical to not only respect Tribal sovereignty and self determination, but to make sure that Tribal representatives be included in decision making at all levels.
For over a decade Kim was part of a team of economic advisers that provided assistance to Tribal governments and organizations that spurred job creation, economic development, and small business initiatives. These projects ranged from microlending to fisheries to value added manufacturing. This experience provided Kim with first hand knowledge of the challenges and roadblocks that can negatively impact Tribal governments.
Kim is committed to working with the Montana delegation to ensure Tribal concerns are heard and addressed and that American Indian heritage and lifestyle is preserved for future generations.
Creating Jobs by Supporting Small Businesses
A hallmark of Kim’s legislative career has been her support for small business. Whether pushing for small business tax relief so they can create jobs or promoting a worker training program so that businesses can compete, Kim knows that small businesses have always been the engine of economic growth for Montana and for America.
Gillan has run a small business, and in the Montana Legislature her first and last bills were tax cuts to help small businesses create jobs. In Congress, she will find practical solutions to create a climate that small businesses can grow and succeed. This includes cutting unnecessary regulations and red-tape and providing targeted small business tax relief.
Montana undoubtedly has some amazing natural resources. However, Montana’s greatest asset is and will always be its people. Kim believes that maximizing these natural resources and giving Montana workers the right training is how we will fuel the jobs of tomorrow.
Now more than ever, a trained and educated workforce is essential. While we work to gain the jobs we need right now, we also have to educate the workforce of tomorrow. That is why Kim will work to make college more affordable for Montana families.
We also need to make sure that the jobs of Montana’s traditional economy like farming, ranching, timber, and mining survive and that new industries like biotech and clean energy lead Montana in the 21st Century economy.
Our economy won’t be back on track until every Montanan who needs a job can find one that pays a livable wage. And in Congress Kim Gillan will never stop working until we get there.
Standing Up for Children with Autism
Over the past decade study after study showed an increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism. While the diagnosis of autism was on the rise, access to autism treatment lagged behind for far too many Montana families. At a time when Montana families needed a champion, Kim Gillan stepped up to the task.
Large out-of-state insurance companies had descended on the Montana state capitol to prevent legislation that would have helped Montana families provide autism treatment service to their children. To fight this powerful special interest, Kim Gillan put together a bipartisan coalition of medical professionals, educators, child advocates and parents to break this gridlock.
Surprising many capitol observers, Senator Kim Gillan got an autism insurance mandate though the Republican led-legislature and signed into law by Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer. As a result of this historic legislation, Montana families are now getting the diagnoses and treatment of autism covered by their insurance policies, saving families tens of thousands of dollars, but more importantly turning on the light for thousands of Montana children.
It this type of practical problem solving that is need right now in Washington.
Supporting Our Seniors
Kim Gillan believes that as a nation we owe the Greatest Generation more than just our gratitude. Kim is committed to upholding the promises we have made to Montana seniors by protecting Medicare.
Kim opposes the Ryan budget, which would end Medicare as we know it, make huge cuts in benefits, and shift those costs to seniors. She has said:
“You don’t have to look any further than the debate over the future of Medicare to see what’s wrong with Washington. The Ryan budget, which is supported by my Republican opponent, would end Medicare as we know it and break the very promises we have made to our seniors. Seniors who pay a lifetime into Medicare deserve the benefits they’ve earned. Instead of solving problems, some in Washington are attempting to dismantle Medicare in order to appease ideologues at the expense of our seniors. In Congress I will vote against legislation that opens the door to massive Medicare cuts, which will hurt our economy and punish our seniors. These tough times require serious leaders who will work to find pragmatic solutions to the challenges Montana families face.”
Preserving Montana’s Outdoors Heritage
Montana’s unique quality of life is what makes our state a special place to live, work, and raise a family. Protecting that quality of life and preserving clean air and water has always been a major focus for Kim, in both the legislature and through her work in the community.
In 1994, Kim stopped a proposal to sell off over 20 acres of a nature preserve in the Billings Heights neighborhood. She organized neighbors to raise awareness and successfully persuaded the Billings City Council to purchase the park. Today, this area remains an integral part of the Alkali Creek Valley – home to deer, fox, and an abundance of birds. The area is open to the public, and remains a natural "laboratory" for Billings students to enjoy and learn.
In the state legislature Kim has fought time and again to protect access to Montana’s public land and streams for hunting fishing, camping and hiking. When Montana’s landmark stream access bill was being debated in 2009, as Senate Democratic Whip Kim made sure the bill got to Governor Schweitzer’s desk. When Republicans tried to gut the stream access law just two years later, Kim worked with her caucus to defeat those efforts.
In Congress, Kim will continue fighting to make sure that the public has access to public lands.
Kim’s advocacy for sportsmen and sportswomen has been recognized by the support and endorsement of fellow Montanans, such as State Senator Kendall Van Dyk, former State Representative George Golie, and respected outdoors advocate John Gibson. The Montana Wildlife Association has also honored Kim as their Conservation Legislator of the Year.
Kim and her family enjoy hiking and camping across the state.